1. Read 15 books. Last year I read 12 and my resolution was 10 so this year I'm challenging myself a little further. Some tips for getting reading done is to read during waiting periods. I read in between my classes (usually about 15-20 min) or on my breaks at work. I'm not great at just sitting and reading but I've gotten lots of books read this way. I'm currently reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.
2. Start a small business selling my crafts. I am a little nervous about putting my work out there for the world to judge.. and possibly just ignore! However I think it would be a great experiment and if I never try I'll never find out!
3. Run a marathon. So, since high school its been pretty hard for my to stay in shape. So, I've been trying to train for a marathon for about 3 years now and I always fall off the wagon. So this year I'm using the easiest form of training which involves a lot of walking to start off. Wish me luck.
4. Move in with Matt. My boyfriend and I have been planning to move in together, but we want to get our finances in check before we are committed to paying monthly for an apartment. We are both really focused so within the next couple of months we should be getting close!
5. Get a new job to help with the living costs. Check! I've already finished this one. I just got a second job that will bring in just enough money to keep us afloat if I've done all my calculations right. YAY!
6. Clean my room. I HAVE to do this this year. Especially if I'm moving out. I don't want to add to the stress of that by having to sort through all my junk! So I spent an hour the other day (which is a LONG time for me so it looks WAY cleaner than this pic) and I'm probably gonna try to find a few other days to spend that much time working on it. I can do this..
7. Get 20 followers for this blog! I'm keeping my number low because I don't want to be disappointed. I would love to have 20 followers by the end of the year and know that 20 people like to read my blog!
8. Get my first tattoo. I have been saving up change (literally, its in a piggy bank and I have about 84 bucks) to get my first ink. I was going to get it done on my birthday but more important costs came up. So I'm gonna stick to my original plan of just using change and see if I have enough by Valentine's day. =)
9. Go somewhere new. I'm thinking Chicago because my boyfriend is in love with that city and I've never been. I think I've flown through but that doesn't really count. I love traveling with the people I love and adding more places to my "I've been there" list. (found the photo through google)
10. Stay out of debt. A few years ago I had quite a bit of debt due to my handy dandy credit card. To get out of it I had to put every penny of savings and then some into the payments and I haven't payed an overdue charge for about a year. So I want to keep it up!
So those are my new years resolutions! What are some of yours? I'm thinking this is going to be the best year yet
<3 Cassie
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